Novinka! Platená stáž v USA na...
Je alternatíva programu, keď si vieš pozíciu u hostiteľského subjektu zabezpečiť sám. Jedná sa o typ programu, ktorý je cenovo dostupný a vhodný pre študentov, ktorí sa do programu vracajú v novej sezóne, resp. pre študentov, ktorí si prostredníctvom existujúcich kontaktov v USA (rodina, priatelia) vedia zabezpečiť vhodnú pracovnú pozíciu.
Naša agentúra zabezpečí všetko ostatné, čo sa týka programu, vrátane letenky, poistenia a dokumentácie potrebnej na vydanie J-1 víz.
V prípade záujmu Ti poskytneme informácie o možnostiach hľadania pracovnej pozície v USA.
poplatok pri podpise zmluvy | 35 EUR |
programový poplatok |
779 USD |
Programový poplatok zahŕňa:
- poradenstvo a asistenciu počas celého vybavovacieho procesu
- vybavenie DS-2019 formulára potrebného na vystavenie J-1 víz
- poskytnutie kompletných a praktických informácií o živote v USA nevyhnutných pre pobyt v USA
- poradenstvo a asistenciu pri žiadaní o víza na americkej ambasáde - každý žiadateľ sa musí zúčastniť osobného pohovoru na americkej ambasáde
- sprostredkovanie spiatočnej letenky do USA
- informácie o spôsoboch hľadania zamestnávateľa v USA
- plnú podporu v núdzi zabezpečenú partnerskou organizáciou v USA
- asistenciu pri navrátení daní
Ostatné poplatky:
- povinné poistenie vo výške 42 USD/mesačne
- poplatok za žiadosť o udelenie víz na americkej ambasáde vo výške 185 USD
- poplatok za SEVIS systém vo výške 45 USD
- spiatočná letenka do USA od cca. 450 - 700 EUR
- hotovosť pri vstupe do USA cca. 500 - 800 USD
Pozície, na ktoré sú schválené pre program Work and Travel USA sú širokého spektra. Najbežnejšie sú nasledovné typy: zábavné parky, reštaurácie a bary, obchody a predajne so suvenírmi, hotely, národné parky, vodné parky a mnoho ďalších
Pozor však na pozície, ktoré sú zakázané. Jedná sa o nasledovné pozície:
- Positions that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Program;
- Sales positions that require participants to purchase inventory that they must sell in order to support themselves;
- Domestic help positions in private homes (e.g., child care, elder care, gardener, chauffeur);
- Pedicab or rolling chair drivers or operators;
- Operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which drivers' licenses are required regardless of whether they carry passengers or not;
- Positions related to clinical care that involve patient contact;
- Position in the adult entertainment industry (including, but not limited to jobs with escort services, adult book/video stores, and strip clubs);
- Positions requiring more than four hours of work between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
- Positions declared hazardous to youth by the Secretary of Labor at Subpart E of 29 CFR part 570;
- Positions that require sustained physical contact with other people and/or adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions guidelines (e.g., body piercing, tattooing (including henna), massage, manicure, hair braiding);
- Positions at businesses that offer body piercing, tattooing (including henna), massage, manicure, hair braiding;
- Positions that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee that participants will be paid minimum wage in accordance with federal and state standards;
- Positions involved in gaming and gambling that include direct participation in wagering and/or betting;
- Positions in chemical pest control, warehousing, catalogue/online order distribution centers;
- Positions in the mobile amusement and itinerant concessionaires industries;
- Positions for which there is another specific J visa category (e.g., camp counselor, intern, trainee);
- Positions in the North American Industry Classification System's (NAICS) Goods-Producing Industries occupational categories industry sectors 11, 21, 23, 31-33 numbers as outlined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, including, but not limited to: construction (includes specialty trade contractors), mining (includes oil and gas extraction, support activities for mining), manufacturing (food manufacturing, textile mills, apparel manufacturing, wood product manufacturing, printing), natural resources (crop production, animal production, fishing, support activities for agriculture and forestry);
- Positions through employment or staffing agencies;
- Positions in kiosks or cart stands at malls;
- Positions in home-based businesses;
- Positions in warehouses or factories;
- Administrative positions handling sensitive/personal information;
- Positions as an independent contractor (1099 Form employee);
- Positions in fisheries;
- Positions in door-to-door sales or canvassing;
- Positions in industrial style/scale service sector (jobs that involve assembly lines, repetitive movement using heavy machinery, use of industrial size steamers/pressers and dryers, use of industrial chemicals, factory-like atmosphere);
- Position where an exchange visitor is solely responsible for the safety of others (e.g., as a lifeguard); does not have regular on-site or timely on-call supervision by the host entity and/or would be without reasonable time off for breaks and meals;
- Positions that are not compensated hourly (e.g. piece wages, stipends, etc.);
- Placements that employ the exchange visitor as a mover or in any position where the primary work duty is the movement of household or office goods
- Positions in waste management, janitorial, or custodial positions
- Position with a host entity that participates in the Summer Work Travel Program on a basis other than seasonal (e.g., for more than two seasons during the year, or that covers a total period of employment longer than eight months in a single calendar year);
- Locations where telephone and Internet communication is not accessible.